Another Day on the Farm

General story of life on a farm from a converted city girl's point of view.

Friday, November 11, 2005

A Future Mozart?

Nathan banged on the piano that came out of Big Grandma's attic and you would have thought he seriously knew what he was doing. He loves to imitate me when I play a tune and trys to play one note at a time now. He is soaking up everything around him and it's so entertaining to see him discover something new. We will travel to Portsmouth tomorrow and interview any fishermen that might have gone out on their boats. If tomorrow is anything like today then I won't stand a chance of getting an interview. It was so windy today that it blew most of the leaves off of the pecan trees. You can now see pecans hanging everywhere on every tree even some of the trees that have not produced in the past 5 years since we have been here. Nathan and I will be picking plenty of them up and possibly selling them to the local markets for some extra Christmas money. We have 27 pecan trees, 20 of them line the lane and are over 100 years old. They are so beautiful and I'm sure Nathan will enjoy climbing them in the future.


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