Another Day on the Farm

General story of life on a farm from a converted city girl's point of view.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

End of A Great Week, Start of Anew

BBall camp came to an end and the team lost in the title game. They had fun and made a few friends and hopefully learned something about the game. You always feel that if you reach one kid you've done your job and it's ha-ha funny thinking that on Monday you can't wait til' Friday and then on Friday you wish it wasn't over.....Can't wait to drag Nate to these in a few years. The three of us ate at Outback last night. The lobster tails and tenderloin hit the spot and I probably made my pancreas work overtime. But I woke up feeling pretty good......hope it lasts ;) Think we are gonna take a trip to SC a p/u some peaches and fireworks. Cowpens area had some great stands if memory serves me correctly. We took a trip a couple of years ago and stumbled across this stand selling a Flaming Prince type of peach. It is simply the best peach I have ever eaten. Haven't had a decent one since, either.....Get the medport flushed tomorrow so Mom will keep Nathan later in the morning. George collected over 3 dozen eggs from the chickens. We are not allowing them to sit until the Fall because the heat would kill bittys right now. I can't wait for Nathan to see them when their hatched and running all around. The kittens are getting so friendly and I think this litter will be the one's to stay. We will take them to the vet soon and have them fixed. 2 females and a male.


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