Another Day on the Farm

General story of life on a farm from a converted city girl's point of view.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Goodbye 2005

Even though Nate is bundled up the weather has been a little warmer here the past few days with temps reaching 60 degrees. He is still figuring out his 4 wheeler and now knows the pushing the button makes it go. Learning the steer might take longer. I've got to remember to get a first aid box!........The year is almost ending and we plan on letting some fireworks off tomorrow night. I'm going to try and take some pics of it. The tree behind Nate, in the black and white photo, is one of the many pecan trees we have here at Woodland and this year was a bumper crop. I'm still picking up so many of them and George is cracking them while I shell them in the evenings watching the Sopranos. I'm freezing the ones I bag for so I can sell them next year. They will last over a year in the freezer. I could not believe how much they went for in the stores. Shelled they were almost 8 dollars a pound and in the shell prices ranged from 2.99 to 4.00 dollars a pound. Nice little money maker with 27 trees here on the farm. Pecan trees produce every 2 years and since last year and this year was incredible, nest year should produce, too. We have been here since May of 2000 and have seen only one good year of pecans. We lost one year of pecans to Hurricane Isabel. I prayed to God that night the storm came to spare our trees. We only lost a few big branches but the entire crop of pecans. We have fertilized only the last 2 years and it seems to have paid off. The trees were vibrant and beautiful in the Spring and Summer.


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